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African Christian Church service outside with men, women, and children_edited.jpg

Gilbert Asembo

Bethel 310 Leader


(715)- 808-0696



P.O. Box

We are the Hands and Feet of Christ.  Our calling consists of preaching the gospel, church planting, community outreach, and running an orphanage.  Check out what we are up to below.  

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the workers are few...

Please help us fulfill God's Word.  We must be a father to the fatherless, a comfort to the lonely, and let the oppressed go free!

"When you support Bethel 310, you can be confident that your thoughtful gift will go to ministry.  When I personally give with the Lord's direction, I expect the gift to go directly to ministry.  The Lord is watching and will hold those stewards accountable for how they handle God's currency, provision and ministry."

- James, a ministry partner 

Upcoming Ministry Trips and Opportunities

June 14th - 20th, 2024



Kenya Trip



Give to the Kingdom of God

Please consider giving to Bethel 310 as we are committed to using the funds that are given to serve the Lord and not ourselves.  Thank you, in Jesus Name.

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