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Bethel 3-10 Ministries is a Christian based nonprofit that seeks to know God based on Philippians 3:10 and make Him known by shining His light in Africa. A continent previously known as a dark continent has seen the light and is in the frontline for the later glory of the church of Christ’s manifestation. 


Prison Ministry

Children Homes

Schools Mentorship Ministry

Projects of Economic Empowerment

Church Planting



Help us touch and transform lives for eternity by generously sowing into this ministry as we help the needy, plant churches and equip believers

for ministry. 

Your tax deductible contribution will also help us create a sustainable living environment for the people we serve. Bethel 3-10 Ministries is registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the IRS.

New Church Build 2023

This new community church is located in

Bungoma, a county in Kenya, Africa

A Local News Story about Bethel 310's community outreach at their ministries Orphanage!

New Church Build 2024

This new community church is located in Lwanda, a settlement in Kenyas western province in Africa


For the Glory of God The Father.


My wife and I moved to the USA in 2003 but we knew that God had a reason for us to be born and raised in Africa to prepare a people for the end time harvest through evangelism, discipleship, and meeting both spiritual and physical needs of the poor, widows, and the orphans.

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Help us touch and transform lives for eternity by generously sowing into this ministry as we help the needy. We are planting churches and equipping believers for ministry. Our goal is to disciple and train believers to             be ready to fulfill their divine destinies in Christ then  send them out as God enables the ministry

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